Anxiety, Stress and Depression

“My hypnotherapy sessions with Tessa have been incredibly powerful. I put myself under a lot of pressure in my professional life and go through moments of real self doubt and anxiety. Tessa and I worked on the root cause in two sessions and I listened to Tessa’s recording every night. The program has been a real self discovery, focusing on the root cause of some of my challenges and addressing them. I now go into meetings / high pressure environment more confidently and was able to deliver a presentation calmly and confidently. I have loved working with Tessa – she is very empathetic and makes the hypnotherapy process very comfortable. Really excellent!”
A., London

“A couple of months ago I was struggling. I had lots of worries about the house , work , and my relationship. I was insecure and was crying a lot, feeling quite lost. Receiving an RTT hypnotherapy session has helped me to transform my life. Today, two months later I am a new person. I started to practise self love everyday, and I can train my mind as I can train my body. I learnt how to keep my thoughts and mind in a positive set line. Managing my emotions also was not always easy but after my hypnotherapy I am more aware that I can change and decide the way I want to feel. Rapid Transformational hypnotherapy has opened a door to a new me with a prosperous and bright future to come. Thank you again for your amazing help. I wish anyone to have it done at least once in their life because it creates a real life change.
Stefania, London

“The sessions I had with Tessa worked like magic. It’s as if I entered a new mind, absent of the trauma that had shaped some of my behaviours and thought processes. It’s as if at 35 years old, I’m stepping into my true self. It’s also very exciting to feel like you’re moving towards your dreams and goals, from the most profound of places. It’s like a new chapter opened, and I can see such a difference in the way my mind processes situations and makes choices in business and personal life. I can’t recommend Tessa enough… see for yourself!“
Catherine, London

“I don’t know how to thank you enough for all your help in guiding me through this transformational journey! I am thrilled and excited to start over a new career, this time with the right mindset. Thank you Tessa.“
Estella, 50 years, Fears

“I have been really good, motivated, positive and found this week very easy in all aspects. I did everything I set out to do. Your magic worked! Thank you! You are just AMAZING.”
S., London

Confidence and Self–Esteem

“Thank you so much Tessa.  I know it is rapid transformational therapy but what you do is truly transformative. It feels like it is many therapies in one and it cuts out all the bullshit…“
Ella, 22 years

“The recording was magical. I drifted into the best sleep whilst feeling so happy. A massive load has come off of me. Thank you.“
Mariam, 32 years

“I can t recommend a session with Tessa Enough. It has been life changing. Not only has my confidence grown but my life and happiness in general have been transformed in such a short time. I feel like the best version of myself. Thank you.“
Vanessa, London

Children and Teenagers

“In just one session Tessa was really able to help my child. She helped her to release painful memories, and immediately the nightmares went away! Tessa has a very gentle and effective way with children.

“Tessa worked her “magic” with my son, who is 9 years old, and I am so happy we came across RTT. Tessa has a beautiful way to work with children and supported us with great insight along the way. She is a very compassionate therapist and I can recommend her wholeheartedly.
Andrea, Germany

“My son developed a tick within a week of the death of his guinea pig. He started blinking a lot and it would get worse in social situations, when he was talking, and when he was looking at a screen for a while. Some research left us with an impression that ticks are common amongst boys of his age and go away by themselves. Eight month later it was still there. It was a real miracle that one session with Tessa made it go away! She was very caring and thoughtful with N and made him feel very relaxed and comfortable. I was there at the beginning, but as soon as he eased in, I left the room, only to see my boy one our later leaving the room with no blinking! We had to listen to a pre-recorded tape for three weeks, which reinforced everything that happened on the session and now N is completely tick-free. I highly recommend Tessa as a very skilled and empathic psychotherapist that can help children and adults with any unwanted behaviour.
V., London

“I took my son to Tessa about six weeks before his 11+/13+ exams because although he was desperate and absolutely adamant about changing schools, he didn’t seem to understand that changing schools entailed sitting down and studying for the exams. It was always a struggle to get him to do even an hour of work during weekends. After his session with Tessa, something clicked and he started enjoying the process and associating studying with passing the exam and moving to a better school for him. He would sit and study without any struggle and he basically started taking charge of the whole process, knowing when to work and when to take a break on the days when he needed it. I have a more confident, happy boy. Our household is now struggle-free; we are not stressed about the exams which are in a one week and we feel optimistic and positive and of course his results have improved considerably during this time. We can’t thank Tessa enough and are truly amazed by the effect one hypnotherapy session with Tessa has had on our boy! We have a new, happy, energetic, confident son! Thank you!
B., London

“Sofia is flying! she is focused, determined and really driven in her work. Teachers are regularly sending us praise of her hard work. Her results are improving and she is facing the exams with calm and confidence. We just received her exam results and Sofia is super happy. Thank you for your help. We have a daughter with a huge smile and an even bigger feeling of pride thanks to you.
J., London

“Tessa’s hypnotherapy has been hugely beneficial to my teenage daughter after years of struggle. My daughter has always been very anxious and sleeping away from home in particular has always been a massive issue. After Tessa’s session, my daughter went on a sleepover at a friend’s house which was simply unimaginable for her. From there on, my daughter not only improved her sleeping but also built on her general self confidence.
Marie, London

“My 12 year old son always had anxiety issues as well as very low self confidence. After having two separate sessions with Tessa, not only e won one of his fencing competitions, but also performed amazingly at his pre-test exams and got into the school that he always wanted.
E., London

Addictions / Alcohol

“I approached Tessa for help with my attitude to alcohol which I felt was beginning to control me rather than the other way around. I did not want to cut out alcohol completely, rather scale back. Tessa, very cleverly, almost without me noticing, got to the root of the issue, and even after the first session I felt a weight being lifted from my shoulders.

For me her approach is a long term solution, breaking habits and refuting incorrect long held beliefs. This has meant that the way I think of alcohol has been transformed and that I am now, almost effortlessly in control.“
A., London

Fears and Phobias

“My recent flights were a breeze! I wasn’t anxious on the day at all.  Your technique worked instantly. Thank you very much.“
Jess, 25 years, Fear of Flying

“I came to Tessa after my fear of flying built up and built up. After one session with her and following her advice I had the most relaxing flight I have had in years. Thank you Tessa!“
Jessica, Fear of Flying

Pain Control and Insomnia

“I love your meditation recording. I have listened to it four times now in hospital and will listen to it again tonight. It has really helped me have a deep sleep for the first time in a long time. Your voice is so calming and soothing.
D., London


“Tessa è una professionista seria e preparata  e soprattutto è una donna dotata di grande sensibilità ed empatia. Ho fatto il percorso con lei poco tempo fa e sono rimasta davvero piacevolmente impressionata da quanto è riuscita a far emergere durante la nostra seduta. In poco tempo ho visto i primi risultati, riscoprendo una forza e una energia che pensavo di aver perso e ritrovando una maggiore fiducia in me stessa.
Silvia, Milano

Weight loss

“I have noticed significant, positive changes in my life since the hypnotherapy session with Tessa. I have been sleeping very well because I don’t have nightmares any longer. I feel refreshed and rested when I wake up in the mornings. I have started to look after myself like I never did before. Eating well with exercise has already helped me to loose weight. My lifestyle has changed completely, I appreciate my body much more now and I want to do what is best for it at all times. I feel healthier already. The constant pain from headaches and tummy aches is gone. I appreciate and love myself now, feel at piece and in touch with myself. As a result, I have become a very positive person. I feel very upbeat and enthusiastic about my life! I have lost 12 kilos.
Tamara, London

“I don’t want it to sound like I’m talking about religion because I respect everyone’s ideas and beliefs, but in a very personal way God has been good to me and I think there are people who are like angels on earth. One day, with a very good heart, Ms. Tessa offered to do something very special for me, and I received much more than I could imagine. I did not know that I had so many voids, I always felt loved, I always had what I needed or at least that’s what I thought. Sometimes we live surrounded by so many people and we feel alone and the problem is not only that, the real problem is that we do not even realise that it hurts us, until the damage is done and it becomes costly to repair it. It becomes a mental, emotional and physical issue. I have always been very happy, I have received and given love, I have no problems relating to others, but I would not stop eating, with or without appetite, I felt that eating was good for me or at least that was what I always believed, without knowing that something stronger, deep within me, made this happen, Tessa was able to speak to my heart and my mind was transformed, so much that physically I feel different. I always wanted to lose weight, I tried in many ways, diet, exercise and Yes …. It helped me but only for a while, until I took refuge in food again and ended up increasing double, in the last 9 years I had gained 100 pounds and saying it is not easy without knowing that something stronger than me, deep within me was driving this. Today I can say that you perform a work of healing that all of us at some point should receive, with your session I felt that a whole department of therapists were treating my problem, but that department was concentrated in you as a psychologist, hypnotherapist and great professional. You took me to moments in my life that I did not even remember, I saw myself so small, it was like a 3-year-old girl who felt alone being with many people around her, she played alone and she began to fill that loneliness with food. How could I have imagined that everything came from when I was such a small child. Today I feel that I am myself in the mind and body of another person, healthier, without anxiety, who eats to nourish herself and not to satisfy herself, who has objectives with different ideals to achieve mental and physical health. I now have a body with normal proportions. I know that everything has a purpose and you and your therapy were a true gift, I have lost 56 pounds so far and know I will reach my ideal weight. … THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME TO FREE MYSELF AND TO BELIEVE IN MYSELF.
Marleth, Panama

“I had an RTT session with Tessa focused on reducing weight. During the session that lasted a couple of hours, she very skilfully found in my sub-conscious the very reason for my overeating. She gave me a recording to liste. I have now shed 18 kilos and reached my ideal weight. I can definitely recommend Tessa s therapy to anyone with a similar issue. Not only she is very skilful, but also very professional and pleasant to work with.
Rob, London

“An incredibly self-healing experience that unlocks a very powerful reaction.
Federica, London

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